Friday, May 13, 2011

Dark Eldar 1000 point list of fisty doom!

So with the new Dark Eldar models coming out (which are in at the store with the help of a little black box), there has been a renewed interest in them.  I figured that I could put out a sample 1000 point list that I have had great success with to show people what they could use to get started.  Now, this list isn't by any means perfect, but my first time playing it I was in assaults first turn, and had almost tabled my opponent by turn two.  So enjoy!

Baron Sathonyx                                                         105pts

Hellions x5 w/ Helliarch upgrade and stun claw        95pts
Kabalite Warriors x10, Dark Lance, Blaster
        w/ Raider, Splinter Racks, Flicker Field           210pts
Wyches x10, Hydra Gauntlet
        w/ Raider, Flicker Field                                    180pts
Wyches x10, Hydra Gauntlet
        w/ Raider, Flicker Field                                    180pts

Ravager, Flicker Field                                              115pts
Ravager, Flicker Field                                              115pts

Total Points:                                                            1000pts

So there you have it, my assault spam of awesomeness (No guarantee of awesomeness can be made at this time).

Baron would obviously join the Hellions, since he gives them stealth, and he is also good since he gives you a +1 modifier to your roll at the beginning of the game to see which side of the table is yours.  Not too shabby for his points in my opinion.  The Stun Claw with the Helliarch lets you take an Independent Character with you when you hit and run, so then you get locked into assaults next turn (assuming you pass the roll), you kill the Independent Character hopefully on your opponents turn, and then go in and assault again on your turn!  Pretty vicious squad there from my experience.

The Wyches should deploy as far forward as you can get them, and if you don't get first turn, make sure you break LoS as best as possible and try to steal the initiative!  The Wyche squad at 10 members would have 30 attacks on the charge, plus D6 more attacks on the charge for the hydra gauntlets.  That's a lot of dice in one go!  Beware of power units that can either take the beating or assault first though, as you don't want to think you're invincible here.  The Raider they were on can either stay near by the next turn if you think you will be able to mop up the remaining units, or if it may be a while, or you're screwed and they're dead, utilize the Dark Lance on it to harass you're opponents Mech.  Don't forget about it!

The Kabalite Warriors have a simple job in this list.  You move them on their Raider to where they have line of sight on some poor, helpless, defenseless light infantry and you open up.  The Splinter Rack lets you re-roll your failed hits with all splinter weapons, so use that to your advantage.  It also gives the Warriors some armor, albeit not much, so they MAY last longer (again, not guaranteeing anything here).  If you're having some issues with some tough Mech (which at 1000 points shouldn't happen too often), move in close and use the Blaster.  Being a Lance weapon, you only need a 4 to glace a Land Raider even so it should be fun hunting, assuming you live to shoot...

And finally there are the two Ravagers.  These are your Mech / Heavy Infantry killers.  Having three Dark Lance shots a turn per Ravager can cause some serious issues for your opponent, and also can be used to open up transports for your Wyches seeing as they may have an issue or two doing it themselves, haha.  If there are no heavy targets to harass, use them to whittle down anything not being assaulted by your guys, and depending on how the game is going, use them to block LoS with any units you may have not locked in assault to at least give them a cover save.

As with almost all Dark Eldar lists, this one is a glass fist.  If you are not an extremely aggressive player, or if you prefer to shoot and roll dice all day that way, this list isn't for you.  This list requires you try your hardest to bring as much hand to hand pain as possible to your opponent.  If you don't, enjoy your troops being shot to hell in open topped, armour 10 vehicles, haha.


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