Saturday, May 7, 2011

So we're finally up and running!

First off, welcome to Hard Knox Games' official gaming blog!  This site will be designed to be a community project, where we will be having customers and friends posting opinion pieces, how-to guides relating to gaming, announce new plans for the store, as well as throw out awesome shots of games going on in the store.  Read below to see what is in store for both the store and the blog.

We have a lot of changes planned for the future of the store, so we ask that you all bear with us as we go along.  Most of it shouldn't be noticeable, and the things that you will notice you will like.  We are currently hashing out the details on a possible player reward system for Magic the Gathering players, which will give you a reason to play in non-sanctioned events and casual games as well as our normal Tuesday night drafts and Friday night magic.  No exact details will be put out until we come to a final decision (if we even do :p ) but from what we are discussing it will be well worth your time to hang out and play.  Onto other news, New Phyrexia is upon us, and we had an awesome turn out at our midnight release last night, and should be having a good turn out at BOTH of our drafts tomorrow!  As with all of our drafts, buy in is $12 and gets you 3 packs at the very least, and more if you place.  We also have some DCI give aways for all players, so come on our for some free swag.

As for our Warhammer 40k players, we are getting the ball rolling on a possible Special Operations: Killzone league or tournament.  If you haven't had a chance to play yet, I suggest you check out the rules at Galaxy In Flames' blog.  It is essentially Kill Team from GW's Battle Missions Codex, but reworked to make more codex's viable and games more fun and unique.  We are also having a Rogue Trader Style Warhammer 40k Tourney on the 14th of this month, which is next Saturday.  It will be standard 1850 pts, with a model buy in, which means that the price to play will be any 40k model in store, still wrapped.  You buy something, whether it be a blister, terrain, templates, etc, and you throw those into the pot.  1st place takes his/her choice of 50% of the items, then 2nd takes his choice of 30% of the remaining items, with 3rd place getting the remaining 20%.  We will probably throw out store credit as well for best sportsman and best painted army.  We are also discussing having a Armies on Parade competition along the lines of how GW is holding theirs.  We have yet to hear anything from GW about the rules, so I doubt we can get anyone a place at Games Day in Chicago for it, but this is a great experience to learn about building army displays and also gives you an excuse to paint your army finally!

For our Warhammer FB players, it should come as no surprise that Tombs Kings came out this weekend and they look amazing!  If you are looking to boost your new (or existing) Tomb Kings army, all Wargods models are currently 30% off and they have some awesome posed models that would fit in perfectly with any Tomb Kings army, especially since GW has seen fit to stop producing metal mini's for the time being.  We are also in the works of creating an event that will be similar to the old arcade game, Rampage: World Tour.  We have yet to hash out the final details, but the basics are as follows: all players select 1 giant/monster that is up to X amount of points.  There will be a 4' x 4' table covered with random Warhammer Fantasy models counting as civilians, as well as plenty of buildings.  Each model used as a civilian will use it's actual stat line and rules, so some will be easier to kill than others.  Each building will have a stat line created for it as well, again with some being harder to kill than others.  Players will not be able to attack each other, but will however try to destroy as many civilians as possible while ruining buildings.  Once the whole table is clear and nothing remains but the players, everybody will tally up their points (which will probably 1 point per one wound caused to either a civilian or a building) and the player with the highest amount of points wins.  This is still in the works, so any input on how you think this should be played out is more than welcome!

As for all of our other gamers, we are trying to plan things out for you as well!  Flames of War has been pushed to Wednesdays due to some players have issues with Thursdays, and board game night is every Monday.  Wednesdays are also painting nights, so come on out and and paint a few models, or get some tips and tricks on how to paint if you're new to the hobby!  We had an excellent turn out at our last Warmachine tourney, and we are in the works of planning something else soon!  In the meantime, feel free to swing by and pick up the new Khador Gun Carriage!  If you haven't seen it yet, this thing is a beast and has a very demanding presence on the battle field.

We are currently looking for your game pics, opinion pieces, self created lists for table top gaming, how-to guides for painting, basing, etc, as well as anything else random you think would fit here!   If you have anything to add, feel free to come up with an article and either e-mail it to us at  or let us know in store!  Thanks for joining into what will hopefully be an amazing blog, and follow us to keep up with all the happenings in the area!


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