Sunday, May 8, 2011

Up and coming from Privateer Press

So Privateer Press has some new things coming out soon, among these the new issue of No Quarter Magazine pictured above!  Below are a few selections off of their website.

Here is the MASSIVE Cygnar Storm Strider!  Towering above its enemies, the lightning-wreathed Storm Strider moves across the battlefield raining voltaic death upon all who stand against Cygnar. Its lightning cannon is one of the most potent weapons in the Cygnaran arsenal and represents the pinnacle of stormsmith achievement. More devastating still is the Storm Strider's ability to capture and store the energy of enemy attacks, adding this deadly kinetic force to its withering lightning blasts.

Here is a new Cygnar Warjack coming out soon, the Gallant.  Based on the Ironclad chassis and heavily modified by Sancteum armorers, Gallant is a walking instrument of righteous battle and the favored warjack of the warcaster Constance Blaize. In combat Gallant wields the mighty blade Lasting Light to strike down the enemies of Morrow as dictated by the Prayers for Battle, the holy catechism mounted onto its hull.

Keeping with the new Cygnar products coming out, here is the new Warcaster, Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet. Constance Blaize is a resolute champion of Morrow who leads her Precursor Knights into battle against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind. Her greatest foes are the sprawling nightmare empire of Cryx and the vile servants of the dark god Thamar. Empowered by her faith, Blaize fights for her god and her nation with fervor inspired by the holy ascendants she reveres.

Breaking away from the Cygnar theme finally, here is the new Minions model, Targ.  The disfigured farrow assistant of Dr. Arkadius, Targ aids his master by tending the violent and unpredictable farrow warbeasts. Although lacking refinement and expertise, Targ has a way with warbeasts. He can push a warbeast to lash out with an unpredictable attack, administer vital medical care to his charges, or provide vital guidance to farrow warbeasts that wander too far from their masters.

For more info on upcoming releases, be sure to check out their website, or come buy the store and buy the latest copy of No Quarter Magazine!  Like I said yesterday, we should have a new Warmachine/Hordes event being posted here soon, so until then you can come by and play a few casual games just to keep your game at it's peak condition.

- Mace

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