Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dark Eldar second wave pre-orders are up!

As some of you might already know, the second wave of Dark Eldar are now available for pre-order, with a release date of 4 June 2011.  While it has been a while between the original drop date and this wave, the wait seems to be well worth it.  Pictured above is the new Dark Eldar Battle Force, which contains 10 Warriors, 10 Wyches, 3 Reaver jet bikes, and a Raider.  Check out below for the rest of the stuff you can get your shaky little hands on soon!

So here is something a lot of Trueborn spammers have been waiting for a while now: the Venom.  It pretty much looks like everyone thought it would, and not far off from just about every conversion, but you're not paying for looks on this model.  You are paying for convenience and the ability to spam heavily armed 5 man units.  Also, this model is made so that the crew are Wyches, yet are interchangeable with the warrior crews from the Raiders and the Ravagers.  This means that you die hard Dark Eldar fans can have you're vehicles manned by the types of models in them!  Pretty good on the conversion front in my opinion.

Here is one I have seen converted poorly all over the place, so it comes with a sigh of relief that they are finally putting out new models.  Yes, that's right, it's the Dark Eldar Scourges.  These guys can be built as either anti-infantry, with plenty of assault 3, poison 4+ weapons, or even anti-mech by spamming Dark Lances for days.  Best part is that they are jump infantry, so no need to worry about pesky things like terrain getting in between you and your target!

This is my favorite model out of the second wave! The Dark Eldar Cronos Parasite Engine! Despite the confusing pre-order screen on GW (which I personally believe to be intentional so people order multiple not realising they are the same kit) this kit can be built as either this monstrous creature or this one:

The Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine.  Gone are the days of the terrible metal Talos, with it's one pose and bulky exterior that refused to stay glued together.  This kit promises to be an amazing addition to any Dark Eldar army, or even just an enthusiastic painter like me!

Now, some of you might not have understood what I was talking about up there with GW being all confusing and what not, but if you look on their pre-order page, the Talos and the Cronos are listed as two separate models.  It took me some actual reading of the words, but I found this at the bottom of both:

"This multi-part plastic kit contains parts to make one Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine or one Cronos Parasite Engine. This kit comes in 89 components, including all manner of chain-flails, ichor injectors, a liquefier gun, a spirit syphon and many syringes full of deadly toxins and adrenaline boosters, plus several variant heads and arms so that you can personalise the kit to your heart's content. It also comes with a ball and socket flying stand and a large flying base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints." [source]

Tricksey little Hobbits they are.  My one true saddness is that they did not release the Dark Eldar flyer with this as the rumor mongers said they were.  I am damn near heart broken about that, but with our store Forge World order coming in this week, I suspect I'll get over it.  Anyways, enjoy the pics, and for those of you local we will be getting our Black Box of Godly Goodness in Friday, so stop by and see what these kits have to offer!

I'll leave you with this last tid bit, a leaked picture of the Razorwing Jet Fight that is expected to get released shortly after this new wave comes out, picture via Faeit 212


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